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Matress cleaning

Chemical-free cleaning and exemption from mites in mattresses, beds in your home using the and its carbon-dioxide bio cleaning products for cleaning !

Mattress can also be considered as a carrier of various diseases, that are caused by house-dust mite and its droppings. It is generally held, that by changing bed linens on a regular basis and carrying out occasional vacuuming solves the problem, but this is not so, that is why regular mattress cleaning is paramount to health.

Biological purity of mattresses is very important to allergic and asthma sufferers, further, parasites in bed, like dust mites, pollens, molds, viruses and bacteria can also have a significant impact on everyone else, because they are concentrated in hatching eggs in these places. People lying in bed making natural movements causes these parasites almost „revive”, they are inhaled during sleep and consequently, different diseases, symptoms appear, such as eczema, wheezing, bronchitis, asthma, etc.

Each mattress is fraught with health risks, so where frequent change of bed users take place (in hotels), there regular cleaning and exemption from bacteria of mattress need to be carried out, as per the health law, too. One of the most effective solution is our non-chemical, carbon dioxide mattress cleaning method.

Our chemical-free bio cleaning method – as it gets to the deepest layers of material using carbon-dioxid bubbles pressed in by hot water – brings all parasites to the surface of mattress and kills them.

Common problem is the molds in mattresses – we offer a solution also for this. Using the Innoprop mold-killer solution together with our cleaning technology is suitable for complete, final mold removal, the only aesthetic aftermath is the surface whitening. Therefore, before this procedure is used, we do the necessary consulting with our customer before starting work.

After cleaning the total surface area of mattrasses (both sides) – depending on thickness and there may be many types of layers – the total drying time is up to 24 hours depending on temperature conditions and airing options.

For us, it is important that beds are more hygienic at accommodations, free from allergenic substances, therefore, our mattress cleaning service of high quality is consistent with the requirements of hotels as well.

Recommended cleaning frequency:

– Allergy or increased stress (eg. hotels) – half a year

– Normal conditions of use – per year
